Working With Actors
20 Sept - 8 Oct, 2021. At EICTV. A 3-week immersive residential workshop at the Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión, Cuba. In Spanish and English. With Stephen Bayly and Maria Gowland. Enquire via EICTV website, Talleres Internacionales. Or CLICK HERE
Advanced Meisner Workshop: Developing a character and Battery Recharge
11 - 22 Oct 2021. At EICTV. A 2-week immersive residential workshop at the Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión, for actors and directors who have previously trained in Meisner, and writers who wish to workshop some material with an emphasis on character. With Stephen Bayly. Enquire via EICTV, talleres@eictv.co.cu
Meisner for Actors and Directors
1-5 Nov 2021. Miami. A 5-day 'taster' workshop in Meisner methods for actors and directors, given as part of the Ibero-American Film Festival. With Stephen Bayly and Maria Gowland. Contact the Festival for further details.