Idalmis Garcia is a well-know Cuban actress. Her films include ‘Los Dioses Rotos’ (Broken Gods) and ‘Conducta’(Behavior), directed by Ernesto Daranas.
She is a popular Cuban television actress, having starred in the series: ‘Bajo el mismo sol’ and ‘Tras la huella’.
Her theatre workincludes ‘Sleep’ and ‘Our town’ (director Juan Cremata),‘Las Tumbas Olvidadas’ and ‘Blue Orange’ (director Stephen Bayly).
Idalmis studied intensively over severalyears with Stephen Bayly at the Escuela Internacional deCine y Televisión (EICTV), assisting Stephen in lateryears in his workshops. In February 2012, she formed anindependent theatre group in Havana, called La PeñaMeisner de la Habana (The Meisner Gang).
She co-produced ‘Blue Orange’, and played the role of Cristal, forwhich she was nominated as Best Actress for Cuba’sPremio Caricato Award.
As a Meisner Acting Coach shehas worked on Marea¨, directed by Adam Brier (EICTV)and ‘Conducta’, especially in the casting of the children.
She is currently based in New York, where she is part ofthe Repertorio Español, and has been working as actressin the plays ‘Hierba Mala nunca muere’, ‘Aire frio’ and ‘Elloco por fuerza’, directed by Leyma López.
Also in NewYork she has been involved as both actress and assistantdirector in indie films (‘Forbidden Cuba’, directed by ArtJones, Dope Fiend by Ron Elliott, Tenacious Butterfly bySoleydy Mendez and ‘Small Talk’, directed by MónicaPalmieri).